Coffee has been one of the world’s most valuable export commodities for a long period. In the early part of the century,the coffee business flourished and by 2003 the annual trade had mounted up to $70 billion. Many sellers try to have a variety to offer but some of them only focus on one variety which is usually Arabica. In this article, I’ll tell you what other types exist and how to make ideal coffee in a pour over coffee maker.
They are so widespread as opposed to other kinds of coffee that the common misconception is that these are the only two types of coffee. Coffee Liberica and Coffee Excelsaare two other prominent names when it comes to coffee. Coffee Liberica is considered to have the grain as well as the highest productivity to go with the strongest resistance to parasites. The problem is that it spawns after long periods of about 14 months. Its berries usually taste interesting as they are relatively harder and have a little sugar and juice in them. Similarly, coffee Excelsa also possesses all these properties that make it a little sweet and juicy as opposed to being bitter and dry.
Arabica is by far the most widespread and widely used coffee in the world. Everyone who has had coffee has surely had Arabica because it accounts for more than 75% of the world’s coffee production. Its sublime taste, as well as an abundance of quality, is what makes it so widespread and delightful enough to be used all around the globe. Arabica has a very peculiar and delicious taste that is so different from other coffee that it is unmistakable. It has that distinct flavor that tends to bring people back to it again and again. Although the word most commonly associated with coffee is caffeine, Arabica has relatively lesser amounts of caffeine when comparing it to Robusta.
It contains twice as much sugar and fat and is certainly more nutritious and stronger than Robusta. The variety of flavors that Arabica possesses is far more appealing to the general population as compared to Robusta that has a singular taste. What is more than Arabica’s taste is also affected by other factors such as roasting or actual preparation of coffee. The cultivation for Arabica is also very demanding as it grows about 1000 meters above sea level. The problem of fungus and pests always persists and may eat away at the product and trouble the growers. However, once produced this coffee is in bulk and it lasts for a very long time. It may even last up to use for 6 years.
The most common varieties
There are more than 80 different types of Arabica and each farmer has to pick and choose what he is trying to grow. They carefully have to select varieties based on their characteristics in order to produce the most suitable species for their plantation and crop yield.
- Typica
The most basic type of Arabica is called Typica. It has its origins in the country of Ethiopia and is the first variety that was considered and labeled as Arabica. Typica is known for its supreme quality but much like with other such products, its production is relatively low.
- Bourbon
Bourbon has its origins traced back to the island of Bourbon in the French Indian Ocean in 1708. The production of bourbon has eclipsed that of Typica by about 20-30% but it is still relatively less as compared to most other varieties. In this case, the coffee cherries ripen rapidly and cultivation is usually processed at altitudes between 1000-2000 meters above sea level. Bourbon has supreme quality much like Typica. It can be further distinguished into two types, Yellow Bourbon and Red Bourbon.
Arabica vs. Robusta
The prime difference between Arabica and Robusta is that of price and quality. The quality of Arabica is the absolute finest and that of Robusta is relatively mediocre. Robusta often has an unpleasant taste. Next up is the difference in price between the two. The price of Robusta is relatively less because it produces as little as two or three years as opposed to the six years of Arabica. It is far less demanding in terms of cultivation and has an even better resistance towards pests and fungi so which makes it easier to manage and grow. This is why the price for Robust is very cheap.
When it comes to identifying these types of coffee, it is usually done with the help of grains. The grains of Arabica are elongated and have a small flat groove in the center that is curved. The grain of Robusta is smaller in size and is round as well as straight instead of curved.
Taste of Arabica
The taste of Arabica is considered to be the best out of all the types of coffee. It depends on a variety of factors such as the soil it was grown in, the temperature at the time of brewing, and even the specific roast for it. All in all, it can be said that the taste of Arabica is a bit on the sweet and juicy side as opposed to Robusta that is dry and unpleasant. Considering that Arabica is the most commonly used type of coffee, it is pretty evident that most of the coffee that you can see on a shelf is in fact Arabica. In order to retain the flavor of such items, you must keep in mind that the beans must be stored properly.
Arabica in a pour-over coffee maker
In the past few years, pour-over coffee has become a regularly practiced phenomenon for specialty coffee lovers all around the globe. Around 2011, the process of hand-grip really started to gain more and more popularity and users but the options were quite limited. The most common product was the Hario V60 that was used by most people. Nowadays, there is a whole variety of such coffee makers that aid you in creating the coffee of your own choice.
A pour-over brewer that you use for coffee is a very simple product and a very good investment. As opposed to something like an espresso machine, the pour-over brewer is very cheap and very user-friendly. You are relying on gravity to do the work after pouring water on the base coffee. This process is known as “percolation”. Another such technique is “immersion” which is relied upon by the French press.
How to make pour over coffee
The most basic way of making pour-over coffee is percolation as discussed previously. However, in this process, the shape and filter of the cup will affect the flavor of the final product. These things are full of opportunities and you can improvise as you like but most of the drippers are usually similar in function. These drippers may have certain specified flavors but you can alter them to your liking because you are its master.
The best pour over coffee makers
- Kalita Wave, Ceramic Flat Bottom
The Kalita wave is named after the special shape of the filter that it has. The main concept for this product is that the filter shelters the brew bed from a cone and ends up regulating the temperature of the brew towards a more stable number. It allows the brew bed to be extracted evenly as well. In comparison to the Hario V60 we discussed earlier, the Wave is far more user-friendly and the newbies are more fond of it due to its easy use. It has three small holes in the bottom that are there to make the user at ease and help them not feel bad for their rookie techniques. Some people might still think that the Hario is easier to use but that is just a difference of opinion. It is pretty easy to believe that the newer versions usually have more user-friendly features. As in every other such product, the recommendation from our side would be to go for the “stainless steel” version. This is more for show-off purposes because in the function the steel version is less efficient than the ceramic version. The ceramic version is a better design and produces better brew quality as well.
- Hario V60 Ceramic Pour Over Cone
The Hario coffee dripper has been the most widely and regularly used product for manual drip coffee. It has considered the undisputed king due to its reliability and flavor. The flavor that it produces is rich and calculated at the same time meaning that it does not go overboard. It is an easy recommendation for many new users because it was originally meant for a new purpose, so it is bound to be user-friendly. It is extremely easy to find the recipes and instructions for this manual drip coffee maker online. The Hario V60 allows you to have full control over the end product of your coffee. It allows you to manually control the features such as brew time, water flow, and water temperature. By exercising this control, you can come up with the version that best pleases you. After all, everyone likes their coffee delicious. However, the full range of its functions can be achieved with the help of the gooseneck kettle.
The vortex shape is designed to stop the paper filter from attaching to the sides of the cone as you are brewing the coffee. This feature allows you to have the best version of the coffee as it is extracted the right way every time.
Many versions of the Hario V60 are available including ceramic, glass, metal, and plastic. It has a variety of colors that can be selected. The material does not matter because the most common choice is the plastic version. However, if you are big on the quality you can go for the ceramic or steel versions. The design for this product is very convenient and it can be managed easily and stored with ease. When it comes to available sizes, people usually go for the medium one. If you are looking to brew high-quality coffee then you will be absolutely correct to go for the Hario V60.
- Cafec Flower Dripper
The common misconception regarding this product is that it is a knock-off version of the Hario V60 because of its design and shape. However, that is not the case. Ever since the gradual downfall of Hario over time, many new brands have produced similar products that are far better and more efficient. Cafec is one such company that stepped in to fill the void of the ever degrading quality of the Hario V60. They launched a new cone-shaped filter that has quickly become a favorite in the coffee community. Upon use, it was deduced that the Flower Dripper has relatively better balance and integration of the taste as compared to the Hario V60. Cafec used the Hario as a prototype and produced a far better and efficient product in the form of the Flower Dripper.
It is a more neutral and accurate representation of the given coffee bean, while the Hario has its own touch of acidity and sweetness that may or may not be considered a bit excessive. Moreover, it looks like a piece of art due to the flower shape and the interesting color designs are a major attraction for many people.
- Munieq Tetra Drip – Travel Friendly
As seen on the streams of many travelers and tourists, the Munieq Tetra Drip is a dripper by Munieq that was created especially for outdoor coffee lovers. When disassembled, it takes little to no space and makes handling a lot easier.
These are the few types of pour-over coffee makers that are widely used throughout the world. They have always been considered a major part of one’s life and some people still prefer them over automatic coffee makers. It is all a matter of opinion and if you are reading this article, you are sure to choose the manual versions too.