Café au Lait
Is a French coffee drink prepared by mixing coffee and steamed milk. It is similar to Italian latte, but with coffee instead of espresso. It is a staple of the New Orleans, Louisiana coffee shop Café du Monde.
Café Crème
The French term for cappuccino.
Caffè Americano
Literally, American coffee. It may simply be brewed coffee in a coffee cup, or espresso diluted with an equal amount of hot water, and then served in a coffee cup.
Caffè Latte
One or more shots of espresso topped with steamed milk, then a 1/4-inch of foam (less than a cappuccino). A latte typically contains more milk than a cappuccino.
Caffè Mocha
Mocha, or Moka, is actually a variety of coffee, and its name refers to the port city near the region of Yemen where it is grown. It has also come to be popularly associated with a coffee-chocolate drink that can be prepared a number of ways, most often by adding chocolate syrup to a cappuccino or latte, and then topping it all with a great big dollup of whipped cream.
Is an Italian beverage, prepared with espresso and milk. A cappuccino is generally defined as 1/3 espresso, 1/3 steamed milk and 1/3 frothed milk. Another definition would call for 1/3 espresso and 2/3 microfoam. A cappuccino differs from a latte, which is mostly milk and little foam. (A “dry cappuccino” has less milk.) In Italy it is consumed almost exclusively early in the day for breakfast; in some other countries may be consumed throughout the day or after dinner.
An unwashed, sun-dried, hand sorted coffee from the Nayarit Province of Mexico. Its flavor is smooth and subtle.
A class of Venezuelan coffees ranging from fair to excellent.
A hybrid of the Coffea Arabica species that is fast-maturing and more disease-resistant than other Arabica varieties. Its quality is considered inferior to the traditional Arabica varieties.
Chicory is the root of the endive, which is roasted and ground like coffee; it may be brewed straight, or blended with coffee.
A region in Zimbabwe that produces the most significant coffees in the country.
A good but undistinguished coffee from the Dominican Republic.
Cinnamon Roast
A very light roast, also known as New England Roast, that’s even lighter than American Roast.
City Roast
A light French roast.
Coffea Arabica
One of the two major species of coffee, the other being Robusta. Coffea Arabica, or Arabican coffee grows at higher elevations and contains half the caffeine of Robusta. It is considered the more premium variety; nearly all specialty coffee is arabican.
Coffea Robusta
Grows at lower elevations and has a higher yield of coffee per plant than arabica. Low production costs and high disease resistance help make Robusta the staple of commercial coffee roasters.
Coffee Beans
A coffee cherry consist of four layers which are removed sequentially. The coffee bean is the seed of the coffee cherry and is covered with silver skin, parchment, pulp, and then an outer skin layer. The method of removal of these layers dramatically alters the flavor.
Coffee Break
Is a daily social gathering and short downtime practiced by employees through business and industry in the modern world. Usually lasting 10 – 20 minutes and frequently occurring at the end of the first third of the work shift. The break is often held away from the actual work area in a designated breakroom or outdoor area. It is a chance to wind-down slightly and “regroup” for the remaining day’s work.
Coffee Grinder
For proper extraction, grinding properly is essential. Freshly grinding coffee before brewing is one of the most important steps for achieving a quality cup of coffee. Coffee should not be ground more than 2 minutes before brewing or major staling (oxidation) begins to take place.
Coffee Oil
The volatile coffee essence developed in the bean during roasting. Also known as Coffeol.
Coffee Plant
Ethiopia is the birthplace of the coffee plant. Today, some of the most ancient and surprisingly unique coffees in the world are still produced in Ethiopia. The irregular, small beans yield one of the most sought after cups of single origin specialty coffee. Piquant with distinct wild acidity, pungent and winery.
Coffee Roasting
Roasting changes the chemistry and physical characteristics of the green coffee bean. The beans shrink about 20% by weight, and acquire the deep dark hue and aroma of coffee.
Coffee Syrup
Is a beverage additive typically found in New England. It is similar in composition to chocolate syrup, however it has a coffee flavor. It is the primary ingredient in coffee milk and coffee cabinets.
A coffeehouse, coffee shop, or café shares some of the characteristics of a bar, and some of the characteristics of a restaurant. In the United States, it does not emphasize alcoholic beverages; typically, it does not offer alcoholic beverages at all, focusing instead on coffee and perhaps tea and hot chocolate. Other food may range from baked goods to soups and sandwiches, other casual meals, and light desserts that complement their caffeine-centric fare.
Cold Water Method
A brewing method where the ground coffee is soaked in a proportionally small amount of cold water for ten to twenty hours and then separated by the drip method. The resulting very strong coffee is stored and mixed with hot water as needed.
Coffee from Colombia. Usually excellent with full body, complex acidity, and rich flavor. The finest, Medellin supremo grade, is as good as Jamaica Blue Mountain but with a bit stronger acidity.
Commercial Coffees
Pre-packaged, often pre-ground, and, in the case of instant coffee, even pre-brewed, these coffees found in vacuum cans in the grocery store. They are made with lesser beans, immature beans, and over-ripe beans, which imparts a bitterness to the coffee.
A professional tasting term for coffees that exhibit depth and resonance of flavors.
Costa Rican Coffee
The best coffees from Costa Rica are from San Marcos de Tarrazu, Tres Rios, Heredia, and Alajuela. The robust, rich quality of these coffees make them among the best in Central America.
The pale brown foam that covers the surface of a well-brewed cup of espresso and helps to retain the coffee’s intensity.
A Colombian-grown coffee that is usually shipped through Maracaibo, Venezuela.