What is Fair Trade Coffee

Frequently Asked Questions

Fair Trade Coffee ensures that small coffee farmers get a fair price for their coffee. The primary aim of Fair Trade Coffee is to provide the world's coffee producers a fair price for their harvest. This will allow farmers to maintain a decent living wage. Fair Trade guarantees to poor farmers organized in cooperatives around the world a minimum price per pound regardless of the volatile market.

Fair Trade is an attempt to level the playing field between consumers in North America and producers in Asia, Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean. Fair Trade Certified coffee is the first product being introduced in the United States with an independently monitored system to ensure that it was produced under...


Glossary Of Coffee Terms

Café au Lait
Is a French coffee drink prepared by mixing coffee and steamed milk. It is similar to Italian latte, but with coffee instead of espresso. It is a staple of the New Orleans, Louisiana coffee shop Café du Monde.

Café Crème
The French term for cappuccino.

Caffè Americano
Literally, American coffee. It may simply be brewed coffee in a coffee cup, or espresso diluted with an equal amount of hot water, and then served in a coffee cup.

Caffè Latte
One or more shots of espresso topped with steamed milk, then a 1/4-inch of foam (less than a cappuccino). A latte typically contains more milk than a cappuccino.


How To Make A Perfect Cup Of Coffee

Frequently Asked Questions

The perfect cup of coffee is one that satisfies your individual taste. Some like their coffee weak, some like stronger tasting coffee and then there are those whose taste falls somewhere between weak and strong. There really is no secret to making a great cup of coffee. Follow these logical and common sense steps to get the best out of your coffee and coffee maker.

1. Make sure your coffee making equipment is clean. Wash out your coffee maker regularly. If you have hard water, it's easy to get mineral deposits that settle into the machine. A white vinegar rinse through will help this problem tremendously followed by 2 plain water rinses to ensure that the vinegar has been removed.


Glossary Of Coffee Terms

This tasting term describes coffees that are complex, but where no one element overshadows the others.

An estate grown Santos coffee from Brazil.

Low-acid coffee from the Dominican Republic.

Considered the best coffee from the Dominican Republic.

Batch Roaster
A roaster that processes a set quantity, or batch, of coffee beans at a time.

A mixture of two or more types of coffee beans, often containing beans grown in different countries. A good blend will yield a balance of contrasting qualities for a complex, flavorful result.

Blue Mountain...


Glossary Of Coffee Terms

An important category used by professional tasters in judging coffee; a fine coffee should have a pleasant tartness, but not be so acidic as to be bitter.

Aged Coffee
Coffee that is maintained in special warehouses for several years in order to reduce acidity and increase body. Aged coffee, also known as vintage coffee, is warehoused longer than old crop or mature coffees.

Amaretto Coffee
The infusion of wonderful and authentic amaretto liquor aroma and flavor to freshly roasted coffee beans. Normally up to 3% by weight. A desert coffee to be enjoyed anytime.

American Roast
Standard American (that is, United States) medium...

How To Select A Coffee Supplier

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Objectives of the Selection Process

The objective of the selection process is simply to identify the best-qualified coffee service provider that meets the needs of the company. When selecting a service provider, there are some key questions you should have answered and observations you can make. It is very important that the company keep in mind that the service provider isn't doing the company a favor. Rather, both parties need to treat the relationship as an equal partnership. The service provider needs to show that it clearly understands the company's needs and that the service provider will be responsive to those needs. The selection process also should be cost effective, efficient,...